Thursday 19 April 2012

Who we are, not what we do!

I have read a fantastic article to day Titled 'God's plan isn't a road map', check it out, The following quotes come from the article.

Here is my favourite quote:

"Maybe God cares about who we are becoming more than about what we are specifically doing".

I have recently reflected on my role as a Children and Families worker and on how I have been led into it. As my last post mentioned I recently graduated as a Youth Worker, a very different prospect, well that is what I thought. There is no doubt there is fundamental differences in development between Childhood and Adolescence, however there is also fundamental differences within the span of Child hood and adolescence. This thinking is something to work on, what this post is about though is more to do with where I/we are heading and the importance of it.

"Maybe God cares about who we are becoming more than about what we are specifically doing".

For a long time, in fact as long as I can remember I have wanted to know, what comes next? Well finally today upon reading this article, I may have been stopped in my tracks! This may not be the most important question. This article suggests we are only partly aware of what God has for us, both where we are, and what we are to do in that place.

"God certainly gives us glimmers of clarity, and assurance that we are where He wants us to be but that doesn’t mean we suddenly become omniscient. Our knowing always remains in part, leaving us weak and dependent. In other words, embracing our finitude and limited understanding is exactly where God wants us to be so that our strength is in Him and not ourselves". 

I have come to understand that if we constantly try to peer around the next corner, which we can do where we are, not just for our next step, then we are impacting our relationship with God. I firmly believe that we can do nothing for the Kingdom of God without the Lord by our side, walking with us, working through us and radiating God's love to others. If I believe this as I say I do then I need to be concerned about my relationship with God and importantly striving to become more Christ like. Indeed it is through this constant journeying that we find out where we are, and where we are heading. Remembering that this is at least in part, as I reflect again, it is not the most important question.

I leave you with a couple more key snippets from this article.

"You may not have clarity about temporal circumstances, but you can have clarity about the only thing that matters: God gave Himself for us, and is more committed to our transformation and life than we are".

"By keeping eyes fixed on Jesus and the beauty of His grace, the rest works itself out".

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